This application contains class 10 vigyan science solution in hindi NCERT Book note chapter wise with brief description with pictures. This application is design for class 10th student vigyan each chapter contain detail note with chapter wise. This application contain 16 numbers of chapter. Each chapter deal with must to know point. I think this app is must have app for class 10 student vigyan.This app contains notes of all the chapters included in the CBSE Class 10 vigyan NCERT BookThis Application Contains:-Chapter 1 Chemical Reactions and Equations (रासायनिक अभिक्रियाएँ और समीकरण)Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts (अम्ल, क्षार एवं लवण)Chapter 3 Metals and Non-metals (धातु और अधातु)Chapter 4 Carbon and Its Compounds (कार्बन और इसके यौगिक)Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements (तत्वों के आवर्त वर्गीकरण)Chapter 6 Life Processes (जैव-प्रक्रम)Chapter 7 Control and Coordination (नियंत्रण एवं समन्वय)Chapter 8 How do Organisms Reproduce (जीव जनन कैसे करते है)Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution (अनुवांशिकता एवं जैव विकास)Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction (प्रकाश-परावर्तन एवं अपवर्तन)Chapter 11 Human Eye and Colourful World (मानव-नेत्र एवं रंगबिरंगी दुनियाँ)Chapter 12 Electricity (विद्युत)Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current (विद्युत धारा का चुम्बकीय प्रभाव)Chapter 14 Sources of Energy (उर्जा के स्रोत)Chapter 15 Our Environment (हमारा पर्यावरण)Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources (प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का प्रबंधन)Main Features:1. This app is in easy English Language.2.No internet connection needed3.Clear Font for better readability.This app is aggregate of class 10 vigyan science solution in hindi in most systematically way. It will help in quick revision if you liked our app. Please rate us.